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Deploy a 3 tier Microservice using React, Node.js, and Java

Deploy a 3 tier Microservice using React, Node.js, and Java

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Instructor will provide the following info:

    • OpenShift Console URL (OCP_CONSOLE_URL)
    • The username and password for OpenShift and Git Server (default values are user1, user2, etc.. for users and password for password).
  3. Set TOOLKIT_USERNAME environment variable. If you are participation in a workshop replace userdemo with your assigned username (ex. user01).


  4. (Skip if using KubeAdmin or IBM Cloud) Login to OpenShift using oc

    • If using IBM Cloud cluster then login with your IBM account email and IAM API Key or Token by using the Copy Login Command Login
    • If using a cluster that was configured with the workshop scripts outside IBM Cloud then use respective assigned username (ex. user01), and the password is password
      oc login $OCP_URL -u $TOOLKIT_USERNAME -p password
  5. Set TOOLKIT_PROJECT environment variable If you are participation in a workshop replace projectdemo based on your assigned username (ex. project01).


  6. Create a project/namespace using your project prefix, and -dev and suffix

    oc sync $TOOLKIT_PROJECT-dev
  7. Fork Inventory Sample Application Java

    • Open Developer Dashboard from the OpenShift Console
    • Select Starter Kits
    • Select Inventory Service (Java)
    • Click Fork
    • Login into GIT Sever using the provided username and password (ie user1 and password)
    • Click Fork Repository
  8. Setup environment variable GIT_URL for the git url using the value from previous step or as following

    GIT_URL=http://${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}:password@$(oc get route -n tools gogs --template='{{}}')/${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}/${GIT_REPO}
    echo GIT_URL=${GIT_URL}
  9. Create a pipeline for the application

    oc pipeline --tekton ${GIT_URL}#master -p scan-image=false
    • Open the url to see the pipeline running in the OpenShift Console
  10. Fork Inventory Sample Application TypeScript

    • Open Developer Dashboard from the OpenShift Console
    • Select Starter Kits
    • Select Inventory BFF (TypeScript)
    • Click Fork
    • Click Fork Repository
  11. Setup environment variable GIT_URL for the git url using the value from previous step or as following

    GIT_URL=http://${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}:password@$(oc get route -n tools gogs --template='{{}}')/${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}/${GIT_REPO}
    echo GIT_URL=${GIT_URL}
  12. Create a pipeline for the application

    oc pipeline --tekton ${GIT_URL}#master -p scan-image=false
    • Open the url to see the pipeline running in the OpenShift Console
  13. Fork Inventory Sample Application React

    • Open Developer Dashboard from the OpenShift Console
    • Select Starter Kits
    • Select Inventory UI (React)
    • Click Fork
    • Click Fork Repository
  14. Setup environment variable GIT_URL for the git url using the value from previous step or as following

    GIT_URL=http://${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}:password@$(oc get route -n tools gogs --template='{{}}')/${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}/${GIT_REPO}
    echo GIT_URL=${GIT_URL}
  15. Create a pipeline for the application

    oc pipeline --tekton ${GIT_URL}#master -p scan-image=false
    • Open the url to see the pipeline running in the OpenShift Console
  16. Setup environment variable GIT_OPS_URL for the git url using the value from previous step or as following

    GIT_OPS_URL=http://${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}:password@$(oc get route -n tools gogs --template='{{}}')/toolkit/gitops
  17. Clone the git repository and change directory

    cd $HOME
    git clone $GIT_OPS_URL gitops-inventory
    cd gitops-inventory
  18. Review the qa directory in the git repository, the directory might be empty if the 3 pipelines are not done yet.

    ls -l qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/
  19. Review the qa directory in the git repository again

    ls -l qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/

    You should see 3 directories



    If you don't see the directories, this is a good time for a coffee break of 15 minutes until all 3 Pipeline Runs are done.

  20. Once the Pipeline Runs are done, try to list the directories again. Each directory contains their corresponding yaml manifest files (ie Helm Chart)

    ls -l qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-bff-solution
    ls -l qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-svc-solution
    ls -l qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-ui-solution
  21. Promote the application to QA using git by creating a manifest yaml (ie Helm Chart) that leverage the Cloud Native Toolkit chart argocd-config to automate the creation of multiple ArgoCD Applications.

    git config --local "${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}"
    git config --local "${TOOLKIT_USERNAME}"
    cat > qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/Chart.yaml <<EOF
    apiVersion: v2
    version: 1.0.0
    name: project-config-helm
    description: Chart to configure ArgoCD with the inventory application
    - name: argocd-config
      version: 0.16.0
    cat > qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/values.yaml <<EOF
    global: {}
      repoUrl: ""
      project: inventory-qa
      - targetRevision: master
        createNamespace: true
        targetNamespace: ${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-qa
        - name: qa-${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-inventory-svc
          path: qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-svc-solution
          type: helm
        - name: qa-${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-inventory-bff
          path: qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-bff-solution
          type: helm
        - name: qa-${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-inventory-ui
          path: qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/inventory-management-ui-solution
          type: helm
    cat qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}/values.yaml
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add inventory application to gitops for project ${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}"
    git push -u origin master
  22. Register the Application in ArgoCD to deploy using GitOps

    • Select ArgoCD from the Console Link and login using OpenShift login
    • Click NEW APP
    • Application Name: ${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-inventory (ie project1-inventory)
    • ArgoCD Project: default
    • Sync Policy: Automatic (Check prune resources and self heal)
    • Repository URL:
    • Revision: HEAD
    • Path: qa/${TOOLKIT_PROJECT} (ie qa/project1)
    • Cluster: in-cluster
    • Namespace: tools
    • Click CREATE
  23. Review the Applications in ArgoCD

    • Filter by Namespace ${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-qa (ie project1-qa)
    • Review Application: inventory-management-svc-solution
    • Review Application: inventory-management-bff-solution
    • Review Application: inventory-management-ui-solution
  24. Review the Application in OpenShift

    • Switch to Developer perspective
    • Select Topology from the menu
    • Switch to project ${TOOLKIT_PROJECT}-qa (ie project1-qa)
    • Open the Application from the JavaScript UI and make sure the stocks show up in the browser. Click on the route url on from the ui deployment, or the link on the circle.
  25. Now the Microservices application is ready for the development teams, in some cases each team will own and work with the git repository for the microservices, while the gitops git repository is own by the operations team.

  26. Congratulations you finished this activity, continue with another lab in the workshop